Adding a ToggleGroupAttribute in my script instantly deactivates enums and ValueDropdowns in the Inspector

Issue #944 resolved
Yannick JOUNEAU created an issue

Hi, the pb is simple and easy to reproduce.

  1. Add this code to a script :

2. You can click on the 3 dots to open the drawer:

3. Add this code below :

4. Drawers and any enums are now locked and inactive. You can’t pick anything in your inspector :

It looks like it’s a display problem. This works below, with ToggleGroups hidden :

But when I display them, I can’t open the drawer anymore :

We are stuck for good because of this bug in our VR project. We hope you’ll find a solution soon.

Good luck !


Comments (4)

  1. Antonio Rafael Antunes Miranda

    Thanks for the report, we’re aware of this issue and have already fixed it. The fix should be included in the upcoming patch that’s about to drop very soon.

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