OdinEditorWindow shows an extra "Serialized Data Mode Controller" in Unity 2022.2.2

Issue #905 resolved
Tenner BE.Tenner created an issue

Reproduce steps:

a. Create an editor window using the following code:

using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor;

public class TestEditorWindow : OdinEditorWindow
    private static void Open()

b. Open that window, you will see:

That “Serialized Data Mode Controller” should not be shown.

My guess of the reason:
In Unity 2022 EditorWindow class added the following codes:

internal DataModeController m_SerializedDataModeController;

without the [HideInInspector] attribute.

Please fix that if you can, thanks.

Comments (8)

  1. Rajesh DMonte

    Any fix for this issue? I need to ship a build with Unity 2022.2.3 where it’s also present and this ugly text keeps appearing

  2. Antonio Rafael Antunes Miranda

    The issue was resolved in Odin 3.1.11. Unity added a new, unhidden field to their EditorWindow class, requiring us to create a special case to conceal it. If you're still experiencing this issue, consider updating.

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