TableList column headers don't show Tooltips

Issue #818 new
Dan Vicarel created an issue
  1. What happened? Tooltips added with Unity [Tooltip] attributes do not show when I have collection of objects grouped with [TableList]. If I click the little hamburger icon to remove Odin’s drawing, then I can hover over field labels to see the tooltip as usual, but once I click “Draw as table” again, the tooltips are not visible when I hover anywhere in the table column, cells or header.

    How can we reproduce it? A minimum reproducible example is below

  2. A GIF of the issue is below

  3. What version of Unity are you using? 2021.2.2f1

    What version of Odin are you using?

    Do you have Editor Only mode enabled? Yes

    What operating system are you on? Windows 11 Pro

Here is a minimum reproducible example and GIF of the in-editor behavior:

public class Thing {
    [Tooltip("This field is good")]
    public string SomeField = "";

[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "things", menuName = "Things")]
public class ThingCollection : ScriptableObject {
    public Thing[] Things = Array.Empty<Thing>();

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