How do I invert the display of the second dimension of a two-dimensional array in TableMatrixAttribute?

Issue #235 closed
Eduard Kurilov created an issue

Hi, how do I invert the display of the second dimension of a two-dimensional array in TableMatrixAttribute? So that the Y axis is not displayed from the top to the bottom, but is displayed from the bottom up.

Comments (4)

  1. Bjarke Elias
    • changed status to open

    Thanks for submitting the request. We'll add support for this via the attribute in the next patch.

  2. Bjarke Elias

    As of patch it is now possible to flip the dimensions of the display using the TableMatrix attribute like so:

    [TableMatrix(Transpose = true)]
    public bool[,] matrix;
  3. Michael Ryan

    Thanks for adding the Transpose option. Transpose it quite useful, however it doesn’t address the original request.

    It was requested that only the Y axis be flipped so that element 0 is drawn at the bottom of the table instead of the top. [0,0] should be at the BOTTOM-LEFT in the table.

    The new “Transpose” parameter instead swaps the rows/columns, resulting in columns being drawn vertically and rows horizontally with [0,0] still being at the TOP-LEFT.

    I created a new issue, as I didn’t see a way to reopen this one.

  4. Antonio Rafael Antunes Miranda

    Since there are multiple tickets about this I'm gonna close all but one to focus the discussion. If you have additional input to this discussion please do so here: #753

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