sim setup does not override sourcebasedir for existing machines

Issue #2056 resolved
Ian Hinder created an issue

If I set up simfactory in a nonstandard directory on a supported machine, sim setup only writes a [default] section, not a [machine] section in defs.local.ini. This means that the sourcebasedir I supply at the interactive prompt is not used on this machine, because it is taken from the existing machine definition, and the version in [default] is ignored. This led to the error

Error: The current directory '/home/ianhin/projects/gw150914tutorial/Cactus' is not a subdirectory of the sourcebasedir '/home/ianhin/Cactus'.
 This error can also be caused if you call Simfactory from outside a Cactus directory, or if this Cactus directory is not a subdirectory of the sourcebasedir.
Aborting Simfactory.

when submitting a simulation.

sim setup should apply any overrides to [machine] sections in the case that the machine already exists.


Comments (4)

  1. Ian Hinder reporter
    • removed comment

    Thanks. I remember running into this issue a year ago, but couldn't find a ticket. Your ticket-searching skills are better than mine! Now, if we could actually fix it, that would be even better :)

  2. Roland Haas
    • removed comment

    Replying to [comment:3 hinder]:

    Thanks. I remember running into this issue a year ago, but couldn't find a ticket. Your ticket-searching skills are better than mine! Now, if we could actually fix it, that would be even better :)

    No worries. Given that you are actually putting work in to fix it (rather than just reporting as I was doing) I think you are doing just fine. It is a very annoying issue in particular if you want to set things up for a student on a new machine and have to tell them "and now you have to edit the file you just created because simfactory ignores half of the options you passed".

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