Два тега на одном коммите - неверное отображение

Issue #189 closed
Pozdnyakov Dmitry created an issue

Коммит имеет тег version1.0.0-rc4, после проверки Nuget пакета принимается решение выпустить релиз, на коммит вешается version1.0.0.

В Cong отображается только version1.0.0-rc4

Comments (6)

  1. Evgeny Kralko repo owner

    we show only the first tag for the commit in the current version. If more than one tag presented then other tags will be hidden under the “+” marker with tooltip including all other tags. Could you please provide your screenshot?

  2. Evgeny Kralko repo owner

    Could you please try to install 0.1.5 version, we reworked commits view there (it should work much faster). Copy your old layout.json file to keep configured repos. Please let me know if bug is still there - I will try to find the reason, thank you.

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