Gather timestepping in NSSolver

Issue #20 new
Øyvind Evju created an issue

Raise timestepping form scheme to NSSolver to avoid duplicate code in all schemes. Facilitate generic adaptive timestepping, and further possible expansions in direction of turbulence models and energy equation solvers.

Comments (5)

  1. Martin Sandve Alnæs

    Looking forward to hear what you mean by this, but sounds like major surgery not happening right away?

  2. Øyvind Evju reporter

    Will not happen right away no.

    The timestepping logic is repeated in all schemes, and although this currently is not very sophisticated, with adaptive timestepping (issue #7) that would change.

    For this we would need to split the scheme class. I'm visualizing a scheme class with required methods for initalizing matrices and vectors, assemble/reassemble and progress/solve.

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