Inconsistency in empty tank heat transfer

Issue #1 resolved
Scott Runnels repo owner created an issue

There is an inconsistency in the way the heat transfer calculations between the tank wall and lading occurs when the tank has no liquid in it, i.e., when it is nearly empty. Resolution of this inconsistency is currently deferred.

Comments (2)

  1. Scott Runnels reporter

    This issue has been studied and it was determined that there is an inconsistency when the lading is almost all gone, and is all vapor. However, it is a conservative error, i.e., it adds heat to the system, causing an over-prediction of pressure and weakening of the tank. Furthermore, it was not clear whether or not it the inconsistency is detrimental. No required code modifications were indicated. A draft summary report on the topic was provided on 2018-05-25, filename Q_Study_2018-05-25a.pdf.

  2. Scott Runnels reporter

    An update to the above report was provided on 2018-07-01, but there were no changes to the conclusions.

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